There are days on the water when anything can happen. A pod of trout gulp midges mid-morning. Bright skies at noon encourage nymph rigs that get beadheads down into the deeper slots and faster runs. Afternoon clouds open streamer or terrestrial boxes. And at last light, an evening caddis or mayfly hatch lengthens the leader and lightens the tippet.
Winston Freshwater AIR™ rods are truly the “Swiss Army Knife” of fly rods. Thanks to our unique progressive action and SuperSilica resin system, these extremely lightweight freshwater rods load easily yet feature faster recovery rates when special situations arise.
So go ahead, grab one of everything that’s on the report and just go fishing. Freshwater AIR models let anglers breathe easy when anything can happen anywhere trout swim.
Need to take a longer breath of fresh Air? New for 2020 are three 9 ½’ models for your big river nymphing, stillwater dangling, beach strippping, and salmon/steelhead swinging.